God, the deliverer(Exodus 13-15)
Wesley Skinner
Exodus moves so fast! After reading Genesis which covers several thousand years over the course of 50 chapters, we now follow one group of people(Israel) led by one man(Moses) for 40ish years over the course of 4 books(Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers)! We also see God much more vocal. And as God expresses himself more, one major theme begins to come out, God's Glory!
Lasting ordinances: during the time of Moses we are going to see the institution of many things, in these chapters God gives Israel some lasting ordinances.
1. Passover - Passover has become the longest continually celebrated festival in all of human history! The is no other celebration that still happens that predates this! I could write much more about this, look for that blog post around Easter!
2. Consecration of firstborn. This is a really cool ordinance because we see the parents of Jesus observe it after he is born.
Both of these, God institutes to remind Israel about the mighty hand of God that rescued them from Egypt.
God's pressence: one interesting thing about the Exodus and the subsequent wandering is the visible pressence of God leading his people. He gives them a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. 14:19 let's us know that the angel of God was also traveling with them.
Random oberservation: I know that it says God hardened Pharaoh's heart, but seriously, 10 horrendous plagues that destroy your country, one of which killed all the firstborn sons, now there is "the angel of The Lord" and a pillar of fire separating you from the people you are chasing, then you see walls of water opening a gap for you to go across the Red Sea. I'm thinking that's a bad idea. How much disaster is enough to get you to stop?!
God's Glory: over the course of this year, I will write extensively about this. For now I just want to mention three things, God hardened Pharaoh's heart for three reasons
1. So that Egypt would know there is a God in Israel.
2. So that God would be glorified in Pharaoh's destruction.
3. So Israel would fear God and listen to Moses.
Israel complains way too much: They have just seen God's miraculous deliverance and they give Moses a really funny complaint, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?” Funny, but still, have a little faith people! And again, when they can't find drinkable water. This will be a pattern, Israel sees God's provision, but still doubts. Can't say I'm much different though. I, so quickly, forget God's faithfulness.
Random observation: Apparently, God is right handed(totally joking) but look at 15:6
Cool verse for the day: Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”