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Who we are

We met at UAH in 2002 at a Cru weekly meeting. We started dating in the fall of 2003. UAH is where God showed both of us the great need for the college campus to be reached with the gospel. We stayed involved with Cru throughout our time in college, we each spent time on a Cru summer missions project, served in leadership at UAH, and God continued to refine his vision for our lives together serving Him.  

We married July 22, 2006 and joined full-time staff with Cru in 2007. Since then we have had the privilege of serving in Huntsville, East Asia, Tampa and now Birmingham. Fall 2014 we began ministry in Birmingham, AL, serving as the Team leaders for Cru in Birmingham.

After a long process of seeking God's provision for our family, May 10, 2017 Lotte and Olivia moved into our home and we were able to finalize our adoptions November 30, 2017. It has been a great joy and a steep learning curve. We love getting to raise our family in the service of the Lord.